Google was fined $ 113 million in India for anti-competitive practices. The Competition Commission of India (CCI) said the US company used its dominance to force app developers to use its in-app payment system instead of allowing third-party companies.

The regulation noted that this platform is the primary way for developers to monetize their work from in-app sales.

India fines Google $ 113 million for restricting third-party payments

A Google spokesperson said the company is reviewing the decision and considering next steps, as the order can be appealed before an Indian court.

The company was also instructed to adopt 8 remedies or operational adjustments within three months. This includes not restricting “app developers from using third party billing / payment processing services, whether for in-app purchases or app purchases,” read the CCI order.

The investigation into how Google operates in the payments market began in 2020, following an antitrust case. According to a law firm representing the complainant, the order will help competition and reduce costs for app developers.

India fines Google $ 113 million for restricting third-party payments

This is the second fine that Google has received in India in a week. He was also sentenced last Thursday to pay $ 162 million (INR 13.38 billion) for anti-competitive practices, including bundling Chrome and YouTube with Android, as well as preventing users from uninstalling pre-installed apps like Maps and Gmail.

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