LinkedIn is not working: are you unable to log in or use the platform and its application? Here’s what’s happening and what to do.

It appears that the Microsoft site both having problems and has gone down in the last few hours: what can be done?

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LinkeIn is now a widespread platform and many people rely on it to look for work or create useful contacts in the market of their business. It is not unusual nowadays for that apply for a job or to complete your curriculum, a link to your LinkedIn profile is also required.

It happens, however, that these sites or applications particularly used by users may encounter problems. A while ago there was a hacker attack that caused data theft to several users. However, more often, due to technical problems LinkedIn does not work for a few hours, as happens from time to time also to Whatsapp. What can you do?

Linkedin doesn’t work: what can you do?

Today, June 6, by several users it was reported a malfunction of the platform that seems to have gone down at about 5 pm. Several people have come across this anomaly and posted comments on Twitter.

What can you do de LinkedIn not working? If it is a general failure it is always advisable to wait for Microsoft to take action and fix the problem. In the meantime, however, reports can be sent from the site to point out the situation.

Normally, however, if the site does not work, you can try the following steps: click on the icon at the top right and “disconnect” and then try to access the site again. Another useful move can be to delete the cache and cookies from our device and then try to log in again. Another useful tip is to try change browser, for example switching from Google Chrome to Firefox; it can also be useful to check that “popup blocks” are not activated.

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Philip Owell

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