This month, players will receive another one Community Day of 2022 in Pokemon GO where trainers will see Stufful, the Flailing Pokémon and its appearance in the wild. Community Day will also have many bonuses and research activities and many more. With Stuffful Community Day just around the corner, we want to share some tips to help new and regular Trainers enjoy April Community Day to the fullest. Below are seven tips to help you catch a lot of Stufful, a Pokémon that is making its Pokémon GO debut during Pokemon GO Stuffful Community Day April 2022.

Pokemon GO Sustainability Week April 2022
Image via Niantic

1. Use pinap berries

Pinap Berries give you twice as many Candy as regular Berries when you catch a Pokémon and are a great way to earn a lot of Stufful Candy. When you catch a Pokémon, Silver Pinap Berries increase your chances of getting additional candy.

With that in mind, now is the time to start saving Pinap Berries for Community Day next weekend. But don’t worry if you run out or need more, you can earn Pinap Berries on Community Day by doing field research tasks!

2. Maximize your bonuses

Community Day in April will offer tons of great bonuses. Let’s take a look at some.

  • 3 × XP for catching Pokémon.
  • 2 × Candy to catch Pokémon.
  • Trainers of level 40 and above will have double the chances of getting Stufful Candy XL by catching Stufful.
  • The incense activated during the event will last three hours.
  • The bait modules activated during the event will last three hours.
  • An additional special exchange can be made during the event and up to two hours after for a maximum of two for the day.
  • Trades made during the event and up to two hours after the event will require 50% less stardust.

Use a Lucky Egg at the start of Community Day to get the most out of these benefits. This will double the XP you earn from catching Pokémon, giving you an incredible 6 XP bonus when combined with the event bonus.

The tinder and incense modules can also help boost your Community Day. If you turn them on at the start of the event, they will last for all three hours, covering Community Day from start to finish! Yes, their bonuses combine with Pinap Berries, allowing you to earn even more candy by catching Pokémon.

3. Get together with friends and enjoy an additional bonus

This month we are trying something new: a bonus for groups of Trainers who play together! Trainers who collaborate in person with other Trainers will earn additional bonuses with this perk. The way it works is that if a single decoy module is used to catch enough Pokémon, the 3 Catch XP bonus for Trainers near the lured PokéStop will be increased to a bonus of 4 for 30 minutes!

This perk will replace the 3 Catch XP bonus, instead of keeping it. The boost, however, stacks with Lucky Eggs, so consider using one to turn that 4 XP Capture bonus into an amazing 8 bonus!

On Community Day, catching Pokémon is only half the pleasure. If you evolve the featured Pokémon during the event (or up to two hours later), it will learn an attack it cannot normally learn!

You will get a Bewear that knows Charged Attack Drain Punch if you evolve Stufful during Community Day in April. This Charged Attack is a new feature in Pokémon GO and can give Bewear a defensive advantage in Trainer Battles!

5. There is always time for a snapshot

Remember to take some photos on Community Day! If you take a photo during the event, specific Pokémon may appear in the frame, giving you the opportunity to catch them. If you’re lucky, you might even encounter a Shiny Pokémon. This only happens during event hours, so be sure to schedule some photo opportunities!

6. Complete the field research

Make sure you complete as many field research tasks as possible to increase your chances of seeing Pokémon featured on Community Day! If you’re lucky, you might even run into a Shiny Pokémon!

But keep in mind that you can only get one Field Research Assignment per PokéStop per day, so getting out is essential! Rewards for different field research activities can vary, including encounters with featured Pokémon, candy, Pinap Berries, Ultra Balls, and more!

7. And don’t forget to use a Star Piece

Use a Star Piece if you want to catch a lot of Pokémon on Pokemon GO Stuffful Community Day of April 2022. For a limited time, doing so will increase the amount of Stardust gained by 50%.

Do you think you will be able to cover a lot of ground on Community Day? Then use incubators to hatch some eggs – super incubators also reduce the distance it takes to hatch an egg!

If you’re still looking for adventure after Community Day, try a mossy lure module, glacial lure module, magnetic lure module, or rainy lure module. These decoy modules will attract specific Pokémon and could lead to the evolution of certain Pokémon species.

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Philip Owell

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