Six months ago, Sony took the unprecedented action of removing Cyberpunk 2077 from the PlayStation Store following countless user complaints about the PS4 version of the game. But on Monday, June 21, the game will return to the PlayStation Store.

However, Sony is already warning gamers not to expect much from the PS4 version of the game. In a statement, Sony says: “Users will continue to experience performance issues with the PS4 edition as CD Projekt Red continues to improve stability across all platforms. SIE recommends playing the title on PS4 Pro or PS5 for the best experience. .

Why is the game returning if it is still a bug experience? The short answer is money. Developer CD Projekt Red posted disappointing profits in the first quarter (especially after all those refunds requested by players) and hopes that returning the game to the PlayStation Store will bolster their profits.

However, complaints about the game’s numerous glitches, bugs and other issues have plagued what was meant to be a major launch for this title. Only time will tell if this scared would-be players or if the game’s return to PlayStation Store will provide the profits CD Projekt Red hoped for.

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