For the many Snapchat users, a very interesting news has arrived. A new way to use the application. Here’s what it is.

The universe of applications has always grown larger over time. Which has given the many users to live different experiences. Recently, for example, we are experiencing the great rise of TikTok but among the many options there is also Snapchat. The latter is also widely used and has met with some success since its first appearance.

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Snapchat it is used to give vent to one’s own creativity. In fact, this application is used to create multimedia messages, called “snap“. Photos and videos become something special with the changes they can make. Customizations can be made through filters and special effects. In short, a solution that allows users to indulge themselves.

As we all know, every worldwide application needs constant updates and news. Snapchat users have seen the arrival of an entirely new solution. A road that can make many people happy who use it platform. Let’s go and see together what it is.

Snapchat, announced the version for the web: this is what it is

Snapchat is ready to enter the world of web. The announcement was made by the same company and includes an application that allows users to use the platform through their own computer. Users, therefore, will be able to exchange snaps and messages through video calls. This solution is available to subscribers to Snapchat +. Subscribers, at least for now, must be part of the UK, US, Canada, New Zealand and Australia.

However, the company wants to expand this solution even further. After the launch, in fact, Snapchat web will touch France, Germany, Emirates And Saudi Arabia. Later it will be available for the whole world. The company, however, stresses that there will be no possibility of making any screenshot. Furthermore, as reported byHandle, there is another novelty in the process of being made. This concerns the desire to bring the function of lenses in augmented reality into calls.

The company, however, knows that the product is still not perfect. To use it, just go to and enter your credentials. After logging in, the platform will ask you to complete the two-factor authorization. Once logged in, there will be all chats available from the mobile application. The same company, as reported by theHandlepoints out that the Bitmoji it will appear in the chat as a kind of laptop. This will allow other users to see that you are logging in via the web. In short, an important news for the many users of the platform. Also in this case, we will see the reception and how many decide to give space to Snapchat via the web.

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Philip Owell

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