T-Mobile has been aggressive in its marketing campaigns for many years, ever since John Legere became CEO. Many times, T-Mobile has made bold claims against its competitors that could persuade customers to switch to magenta. Well, AT&T has a problem with T-Mobile’s latest ad campaign.

Last week, T-Mobile launched a new campaign claiming that Verizon and AT&T only offered senior discounts in one state: Florida.

AT&T accuses T-Mobile of misleading advertising in its latest senior discount campaign

AT&T announces that it has filed a complaint against T-Mobile, accusing it of misleading advertising. The lawsuit was filed in the Eastern District of Texas and AT&T called for a jury trial to seek “a preliminary and permanent injunction to ban the ongoing false and misleading advertising of T-Mobile.”

AT&T accuses T-Mobile of misleading advertising in its latest senior discount campaign

As part of the campaign, T-Mobile has even launched a website: BannedSeniors.com where T-Mobile helps Verizon and AT&T customers obtain a virtual Florida address to qualify them for senior discounts with their non-T-Mobile carriers and it even goes as far as asking a real estate agent for help to help clients move to Florida.

T-Mobile’s campaign was to feature its Magenta 55+ plan, noting that the other carriers allegedly had extremely limited seniors discounts for its customers.

AT&T accuses T-Mobile of misleading advertising in its latest senior discount campaign

AT&T claims that “false and misleading factual descriptions and representations have deceived, and are likely to deceive customers, among other things, into purchasing services from T-Mobile instead of AT&T, unfairly and illegally shifting revenue and profits from AT&T and T -Mobile. ” The company added that the falsehoods of the T-Mobile campaign “have damaged AT & T’s goodwill and reputation and could impact AT & T’s sales.”

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Philip Owell

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