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Here at we improve your gaming experience and much more! Join our community at where you can get in touch with our team, meet new friends and find what you're looking for, or simply visit our games area to quickly find the newest apps for Android and much more! If you're a book-worm, you'll be glad to know there's a lot for you into our eBook section of the community, where you can share your interests with our members about your favorite books, including Harry Potter or The Hobbit if you love the Fantasy genre or freely share your creations in the Writer's Notebook section of our forum.

If you're stuck or need help with your Smartphone or your Computer, you'll be glad to know we do also have dedicated sections where we can assist you with common problems, provide you guides, tutorials and much more, and here's a general section where you can ask questions and get helped.

Want an example? Did you know we have an entire section dedicated to Root permissions here?

We also offer guides for developers into our popular Android Modding University, with useful tutorials and methods to better protect applications or detailed methods to edit the source code in many different ways.

Is that all? Absolutely not! Are you a graphic or you're looking for some graphics? We have a place for you, here, where users can share their creations with our community or ask for specific logo or image creations!

We also have our own virtual currency system (SB Cash), where users can buy community items to enable new fantastic features, such as having a music player to reproduce your favourite music when people visit your profile, or new awesome styles for your username and much, much more! Users can also sell their creations for SB Cash, creating a true free virtual market which connects people from all around the world, with a unique virtual currency which doesn't change value between countries, unlike currencies of the real world. SB Cash isn't for the rich or for the poor, SB Cash is simply for everyone!

We do also run various contests with great prizes, including real money, virtual currency for the site and even premium memberships, so don't forget to check out our Contests section from time to time, or you'll miss great opportunities to take part into one of our exclusive events!

Did we mention we also have a place dedicated to Movies talking? Of course, we do also have a place for TV Shows and even Music Discussions because isn't just about Games and Apps, is an ever growing universe, and you can contribute to make this place even bigger and more awesome by joining us, so what are you waiting for? If you didn't yet, join now!

We're always open for suggestions, so if you have any ideas to share with us, please do so by clicking here, thank you!

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