Chinese and oriental medicine and practice ebook section is trusted by 1,336,387 happy users since 2014.


Novice Lv1️⃣
Hello everyone,
I noticed that in the forum section of books dedicated to Chinese medicine and practices such as martial arts and qi gong is completely missing.
Unfortunately these sections are missing almost everywhere, yet in my opinion these are among the most exciting and fascinating topics, as well as extremely useful. Furthermore, if a portal were ever created with a section dedicated to this topic, in my opinion it would be of great help to those who would like to delve deeper and study the topic but have financial difficulties, as unfortunately books and courses in these disciplines are often expensive , and so the growth of professionals becomes the prerogative of the elites who can afford to bear these costs.

I uploaded a book written by Leon Hammer, in my opinion the greatest Western specialist in Chinese medicine who wrote at the ripe old age of 98. And I didn't know which category to put it in, and so I selected Sebenny exclusive ebook.


A crazy scientist
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Hi dear Francy, we have a tag system in use for such purposes, where you can assign a specific tag to any particular type of eBooks, so you can filter all our releases by such tag and find all the related eBooks :)

A good tag you could use on such releases would then be: Chinese Medicine and Practices (for example).


Novice Lv1️⃣
"Chinese and oriental medicine and practice" I think it should be better, because if you only say chinese you exclude practices like shiatsu, Tai Massage wich is not chinese.


A crazy scientist
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SB Mod Squad ⭐
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Active User
Tagging is a completely free system. If you'd like to, you could even use specific tags mixed with generic ones, such as:

Chinese and Oriental Medicine and Practice, Shiatsu, Tai Massage

This way, the first tag will hold ALL ebooks of this genre, while the second and third one will be more specific :)