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Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 2 years
Hello everyone!

I'm sorry if I'm in the wrong place to write this, but I just didn't know where it would match better hahaha 🥰

Please, I hope someone could help me.

I've been trying to get someone to update My Cafe Recipes & Stories on the forum.

And I have asked several times for an update, but I'm not sure anyone reads them.. in fact I have a paid request for anyone who can help me.

I've searched on the internet for nights on end, but the ones out there going around are pure 💩, and it's a waste of time.

The mods here are the best, I played Kim Kardashian's for years until it was shut down and I really loved it

Could someone help me to update My cafe? Or check my paid request?

I've seen that a lot of times it get resolved right away, but with me it's not happening hahaha.
Another thing I noticed, is that on the web it appears that the latest version of the game is published in the forum, but when I enter it is an old version.

I really appreciate it if you could help me🥺


♥️Mod LP From Sbennytopia♥️ SB Cartel Max Level ❤
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Hello! :) 5 years ago I wandered on the internet for months and months for a Mod that I found only here and I'm very pleased that you like it too the best!

I saw your request was sent on April 4th, you have to have a little patience because there are so many requests but the paid ones take precedence!
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A crazy scientist
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Unfortunately I can't update it anymore or I would've done it, sorry.


♥️Mod LP From Sbennytopia♥️ SB Cartel Max Level ❤
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LP Queen 👑
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