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Dragon Knight: Realm Clash CDKEY & Codes List

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Dragon Knight: Realm Clash CDKEY & Codes List - 3.5 out of 5 based on 11 votes

Have you started playing Dragon Knight: Realm Clash and wondered how to get and use CD KEY? Read on for the list of Dragon Knight: Realm Clash CDKEYs

Dragon Knight: Realm Clash is a cute little idle RPG for mobile devices from game makers Yokai Tamer. If you are simply starting to play, then you must be wondering what CDKEY is and how to get and use it. CDKEYs or codes are issued by game developers to players. These CDKEYs can be used to redeem Gift Packs - they may contain Hero Shards or other premium items that may be very helpful in progression. In today's post, we've listed every Dragon Knight: Realm Clash CDKEY we've discovered so far, plus a guide on how to get more.

Dragon Knight: Realm Clash CDKEY Code List: –

CD KEY 1 is "9AjYEmndO012". With this Dragon Knight: Realm Clash CDKEY, players can get 4-star character shards. To redeem this CDKEY, you must choose on the lord/character's profile avatar, located in the upper left corner. This will open the player settings. On the player settings page, you will find the CDKEY button. Touch it and enter the CDKEY "9AjYEmndO012". If you get the shards, you need to go to bag menu -> choose on shards -> craft. You will get a random level character. There is a huge roster of characters in the game. We hope you get the higher level character.

How to get more CDKEYs?

Well, the aforementioned CDKEY could expire anytime soon. If you want the latest working CDKEY, all you have to do is ping the developers on their Facebook account. Go to Facebook and look for the "Dragon Knight: Realm Clash" Facebook page. Like their FB page and ask them for a CDKEY. They'll send you the code in the Messenger app; if you are on Android or iOS. OR

On the game screen, top center, choose the FB icon -> from there you can invite friends and get free gift packs. To invite a friend, all you have to do is touch the invite button -> this will open the FB window where you can invite FB friends.

So this is how you get more CDKEYs or gift boxes. If you know more CDKEYs, please mention them in the comments section below. If you're new to the game, read this guide, tips and tricks here (it's the same game, but different name).

So that would be all in this post about Dragon Knight: Realm Clash CDKEY Cheats Guide Cheats Information.

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