A new bug fix update is now available for iPhone. iOS 16.0.3 is available for download and weighs around 1GB. The update will fix some bugs that users may encounter with iPhone 14 models and will also fix a bug with the Mail app.

  • An issue with notifications being delayed or not arriving at all has been fixed on the 14 Pro and 14 Pro Max.
  • Some iPhone 14 models experienced low microphone volume when making phone calls via Apple CarPlay.
  • In some cases, the Camera app was slow to launch or switch to the iPhone 14 Pro or 14 Pro Max.
  • The Mail app inadvertently crashed on launch after the user received an “incorrect” email. This has been fixed.

iOS 16.0.3 ships with fixes for new iPhones and the Mail app

On our iPhone 14 Pro, the update contains 1.21GB of storage. You can go to Settings> General> Software Update to check the latest OTA.

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Philip Owell

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