Have you started playing Evil Hunter Tycoon and wondered how to use the boot camp building? Read on for the Evil Hunter Tycoon boot camp guide for beginners

The training ground building is unlocked when you reach Town Hall level 5. After that, you will be able to build the training ground in the city. It will cost materials and gold. Training Ground helps the hunter to level up fast. If you have hunters who haven’t reincarnated up to the current difficulty, they will be able to use the boot camp. Let’s learn everything in detail in this Evil Hunter Tycoon Training Ground guide for beginners.

Evil Hunter Tycoon Boot Camp: –

Evil Hunter Tycoon boot camp guideIn the training ground building, you can produce tactics books; beginner tactics, intermediate tactics, etc. using materials such as linen cloth, wool cloth, leftover orange, gem, elementals, rotten fruit, etc. Once it is produced, it is necessary to send hunters to the training camp for training. With the help of tactics, they will level up quickly within minutes. For example: Beginner Tactics increases the hunter’s level by 40 in 30 minutes.

First, you need to tap on the hunter who hasn’t reincarnated up to the current difficulty. When you tap on the hunter, you will see the training option. Touch it. This will send the hunter to boot camp. Once you see him enter the training ground, tap on the building and go to the hunter tab. There you will see your training progress. Evil Hunter Tycoon boot camp guide

It is one of the best ways to level up hunters quickly in Evil Hunter Tycoon. However, it would not work on hunters who have reincarnated up to the current difficulty.

See also –

So that would be all in this post on Evil Hunter Tycoon Training Ground guide for beginners.

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