Problem of my edit? or values are protected? is trusted by 1,333,369 happy users since 2014.


Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 6 years
Hi, I'm new in modding, I tried to mod a game for the first time but failed. xd
So I'm wondering this is just an error of my edit or it can't be modded in simple way unless you do something advanced trick.

I tried to mod some kinds of points (guild / raid) in some game since I've heard before a rumor that some kind of point can be modded in this game.

This is original apk's code:

// NGame2.NAccount.UserManager
public void SetRaidPoint(int raidPoint)
    int raidPoint2 = this.UserInfo.RaidPoint;
    this.UserInfo.RaidPoint = raidPoint;
    if (raidPoint2 != raidPoint)
        this._observerManager.AnnounceToObservers(new UserManager.UserStatInfo
            UserStatType = UserManager.UserStatType.RaidPoint,
            BeforeValue = (long)raidPoint2,
            AfterValue = (long)raidPoint
} (reflexil values)

And this is what I edited:

// NGame2.NAccount.UserManager
public void SetRaidPoint(int raidPoint)
} (reflexil values)

Yea, it didn't work. =/
I couldn't find 'get~' kind of codes in the script so had to edit 'set~~point'.
Anyway the app crashed as soon as I bought a stuff with guild point, and of course the point wasn't edited as I tried to mod.

So, I'm wondering this is just an error of my edit or these can't be modded in simple way since they are server sided values or protected anyways. Please help me xdd

Well, I know devs make currencies like gems and some important points as server sided values in general, but I have no idea how you can tell this actually by looking into their codes.. Any tips about this?

I changed 'base' into 'this' by changing OpCode 'call' into 'callvirt', but it still doesn't work.

// NGame2.NAccount.UserManager
public void SetRaidPoint(int raidPoint)


In Love Lv4️⃣
Member for 8 years
Editing set is worthless, always edit get value because the set is where the value be in the screen. Your code should be like this:
idc.i4 99999

This will make the value always 99999 and will never change, you can replace the 99999 with any number you want.


Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 6 years
Editing set is worthless, always edit get value because the set is where the value be in the screen. Your code should be like this:
idc.i4 99999

This will make the value always 99999 and will never change, you can replace the 99999 with any number you want.
At first, thanks for reply

Yes, I was trying to find 'get_~point' or 'get~point' scripts.

But I wasn't able to find one which I think I can edit. :cry:
All I found about 'get' seemed irrelavant with points or currencies.

Well I'm not sure actually since I don't know modding well yet, so it could be possible I just missed out legit code.

There are '~~point' and 'set~~point' obviously (same as other currencis like coin and gem), but can't find something like 'get~~point' or 'get_~~point'.

I wonder those can't be modded in simple way or I just didn't notice where to edit..
FYI, the game name is King's raid

Thanks for reply! Have a nice day


APK Fanatic Lv5️⃣
Member for 7 years
looks like this one is being loaded from the server. what game is it?


Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 6 years


APK Fanatic Lv5️⃣
Member for 7 years
i will have a look and get back to you


APK Fanatic Lv5️⃣
Member for 7 years
edited values for guild points are just visual. i did dmg and some other stuff which works fine but currency is server sided. I think you could try to hex edit bsj files, not sure if this is binary javascript or what but those files hold data from the game and perhaps help you achieve what you need


Lurker Lv0️⃣
Member for 6 years
edited values for guild points are just visual. i did dmg and some other stuff which works fine but currency is server sided. I think you could try to hex edit bsj files, not sure if this is binary javascript or what but those files hold data from the game and perhaps help you achieve what you need
Thank you Sir, I guess it's impossible for me to edit currency of this game atm.
Well, I will have to learn advanced modding.. xd

Anyway, Thank you again!


APK Fanatic Lv5️⃣
Member for 7 years
nothing to do with modding. if the currency is server sided you cant do anything.