Improved version of the instant chat, what do you think? is trusted by 1,332,128 happy users since 2014.

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A crazy scientist
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SB Mod Squad ⭐
✔ Approved Releaser
Active User
Hello guys,

I think you all know about the chat at the bottom of the forum, it's very useful and lets us communicate easily while browsing every page of the forum. It does already have lots of cool features but we do also know it's not yet "perfect" and it could be, since I just found out we can improve it.

Some of the major improvements would be:

Giphy Support
Like the one on facebook, we would be able to send short moving images with Giphy.

Emoji Support
Yes, it would be finally possible to send mobile Emojis and getting them parsed (right now, it does just show a weird symbol), plus, we'll have the possibility to add lots of custom smileys.

Full Synchronization

All sent and received messages would now be synced up. This also means that the embedded chat will no longer cause issues when on the same page. We all know, sometimes there were issues if we had multiple tabs of the forum opened, where messages didn't synch correctly.

Typing Notification
The mobile app would now show when a user is typing.

New Message Notification from Mobile
Users would now see a small preview of any messages they received from users they are not currently chatting with. This will be really helpful because I myself noticed that each time I sent messages to mobile users, they rarely were able to notice it.

File and Picture Support
Users would finally be able to send files and images on their mobile device.

All this, plus many code optimizations and improvements.

Would you like this improved system?

Now let's talk about economy. Unfortunately all this would not be free, and it would cost around 300 dollars.
We do already have a donation bar with the relative donation goal which is updated monthly and, each time we do reach 100%, it means we're able to maintain the server expenses. Additional donations are then used for upgrades and improvements, and, in particular, they would be used to improve our chat bar.

But, if you have the possibility, and you'd like to have this improved and optimized chat to make our forum better than anyone else, you can decide to donate some money for it and your username will be listed below and then, also, in the chat credits.

Please share your opinion and, if you do have any other feedbacks or suggestions about the chat, please feel free to leave a post below!

Thank you all for your time! :smile:

######## EDIT ########

Chat upgraded succesfully on 23/03/2017
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